Category: Disputes

  • Weather company with .net domain fails to secure .com one

    Weather company with .net domain fails to secure .com one

    Laws are not as compact as most people might think. There are lots of pores in it, visible only to the ones familiar with it. These pores are the gray areas mentioned in the law. This gives the stakeholders and judicial authorities a room to stretch their legs. A similar gray area is the notion…

  • Tussle over two crypto companies over this domain name

    Tussle over two crypto companies over this domain name

    Making a place for yourself on the internet is not easy. You have to keep your eyes and ears open all the time. A miss of even a few days could have a long term impact on your venture, as in our current case study.  WIPO was presented before a case of dispute related to…

  • World famous band’s 20 year old domain name expires

    World famous band’s 20 year old domain name expires

    Domain name arbitrations are tricky. Small technicalities and details are of huge importance. So much that the party you hope has a greater chance of victory can lose at the wake of these little nuances.  Simple Plan is a Canadian band that is known all over the world. The band however faced a very unfortunate…

  • Domain of popular drawing app redirected to adult content, transferred

    Domain of popular drawing app redirected to adult content, transferred

    Domain name impersonation is used not only by malicious hackers or phishers. Sometimes they are used only to get enough visits or clicks and thus derive monetary gains from this process. However, this can create damage to the brand in question.  WIPO recently came across a dispute regarding the domain name The Complainant was…

  • Not at all an easy case for EASYOFFICE

    Not at all an easy case for EASYOFFICE

    We are back again with your daily dose of internet stories of interesting domain name disputes, trademark infringement issues, and all the other cases that challenge the notion of the phrase ‘what’s in a name’! Today we have a case surrounding the usage of the term EASYOFFICE, and trust me it was anything but easy. …

  • European Police teams up to take action against domain names

    European Police teams up to take action against domain names

    European Police have taken a joint action against an entity selling sensitive user data online. Several domain names related to the notorious platform RaidForums through the operation named TOURNIQUET.  EuroPol has achieved this through hard work and determined planning. The platform RaidForums operated through the principal domain name Two other domain names pointed to…

  • Microsoft seizes several domain names related to Ukraine Crisis

    Microsoft seizes several domain names related to Ukraine Crisis

    The tragic war between Russia and Ukraine has been getting worse. As the war continues, the hostilities are getting worse and worse. The West continues to target Russia with their economic strongholds. Microsoft too has taken swift action against several domain names related to the crisis.  Microsoft has announced that it has seized 7 domain…

  • Australian political party registers opposition leader’s domain name

    Australian political party registers opposition leader’s domain name

    The political atmosphere in Australia is abuzz with Federal Elections scheduled in the present year. People from different political parties are doing whatever possible to increase the chances of their team. This includes promoting, talking and spreading your party’s message and intentions. However, this also involves countering opponents’ view points.  Australian politics mainly revolves around…

  • Defendant applies for trademark, then claims it generic

    Defendant applies for trademark, then claims it generic

    Delhi High Court came forth with a case regarding trademark infringement over the term ‘Plant Powered’. The defendant was using the terms to sell its product on online platform Amazon. The defendant claimed that the term in concern here is generic in nature and hence trademark infringement cannot be claimed upon him. The Plaintiff here…

  • Renowned Surgeon troubled by an attacking domain name

    Renowned Surgeon troubled by an attacking domain name

    Brand Image is crucial, especially online. A company might not even be huge on paper, but on the point branding could make it stand at par with even bigger companies. Same is true on the opposite side. A hurt to the brand image can have a catastrophic effect on a company’s economics. This is why…

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