Category: Disputes
Parties contesting for the possession of GrandDuke
Just merely having a trademark rights doesn’t mean exclusive control of a mark. The order of the sequence of registration related to different aspects such as that of the registration of the infringing domain and even the history of trademark owners also plays a role. Arbitration Center for Internet Disputes came across a tussle in…
Swiss court upholds ban on foreign gambling domain names
Gambling, especially online gambling is getting more and more into the mainstream nowadays. The Government all across are loosening their grip on Gambling Companies owing to the amounts of profits the government receives. However, among this dangerous general trend, the move by the Swiss government comes as a breath of fresh air. The Government has…
Panel sides with the domain investor in
Short letter domain names are a rarity in the domain name industry. Most 2 and 3 letter .com domains have already been acquired. And whatever has been left, domain disputes are fought for them! WIPO arbitrated a case where two parties were contesting over the domain name The Complainant here is VOI Technology AB…
Board member separates along with company’s domain name
Breaking a company is like taking a divorce. The complexities arising out of the separation is beyond any party to fully comprehend and cope up with. WIPO witnessed a fierce contest between two parties over the domain name The Complainant is Protanium B. V., Netherlands. The Respondent too was erstwhile of the Complainant’s firm. …
IP law firm awarded a RDNH
Domain Dispute procedure or any legal process in general is something that a common person on the streets might not be able to comprehend easily. However, law firms and especially Intellectual Property law firms should not be naive about the dispute resolution procedures. WIPO witnessed a contention over the domain name by two parties.…
Who gets
Some names are strategic because of its popularity or the meaning that it imparts. However, certain uncommon words that are funny to pronounce can also be a prospective brand name. Forum witnessed a unique case regarding the use and registration of the domain name Interestingly, none of the parties manufacture chocolate! The Complainant here…
Russian entity tries to infringe upon HELBIZ
The first criteria for a domain resolution procedure is the presence of confusing similarity between the disputed domain name and the Complainant’s trademarks. However, this is easier said than done and can be many times confusing, as well. WIPO arbitrated in an interesting domain name dispute regarding a Russian Respondent. The domain name in question…
- denied ownership of
Legal procedures are based on facts and evidence. There are instances when a seemingly stronger side might lose the arbitration, in a situation where it lacks strong evidence to prove a key element of the case, as demonstrated in our current story. WIPO was presented with a tough battle against the 4-lettered domain name…
WIPO’s judgement on Gun violence domain name
Usually domain disputes involve the commercial aspects of businesses. However, sometimes cases come across that have much more broader social implications as evident in this case study. WIPO was presented with a complicated domain dispute regarding the domain name The Complainant here is an organisation that goes by the name Everytown for Gun Safety…
To get the domain, man files complaint against McAfee
Stories about Domain Disputes are interesting as it gives us a list of dos and don’ts, while establishing our businesses. We can course correct our intuitions based upon the panel proceedings. However, there are numerous cases where the Complaint is filed arbitrarily and without anything substantial. Forum witnessed a peculiar case where an individual Complainant…