Gaucho Buenos Aires, a well known luxury and lifestyle brand based in Argentina has made a brilliant acquisition of a premium domain name to enlarge its brand penetration. The fashion brand has acquired the strategic domain name
The company has been functioning, earlier, on the domain name It doesn’t take much to guess why the acquisition is a brilliant one. The earlier domain name was a pretty lengthy one. The new domain name is slicker and shorter. The mentioning of the term ‘Buenos Aires’ in the domain name is important to the company as the company’s name itself contains those terms. The term ‘Buenos Aires’ also gives it an identity for people to associate with. However, the same factor can also have an impeding effect on a company’s growth. By keeping the term in their name, it’d be relatively difficult to brand themselves outside Argentina. The new acquisition removes any such possible difficulty. In fact the term ‘Gaucho’ itself is an integral part of Argentina, as it points to fabled Argentinian wanderers.
Gaucho Buenos Aires is a fashion brand that deals with a range of diverse products such as leather goods, accessories, ready to wear, and home goods. The company has its parent in Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc. The parent company is listed on NASDAQ with the ticker VINO. It operates on the domain name The acquisition of the new domain name would have an advantageous impact on the parent company as well. It will further solidify their branding over the term ‘Gaucho’.
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