Even Non-Profit Organizations Compete for Domain Names

In the world of online domains and trademarks, disputes can arise even in the most unexpected places. Today, we bring you a unique case involving a non-profit organization, its valuable trademark, and a domain name that sparked controversy.


In this case, the Complainant is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education and career counseling services. They hold the rights to the “CAREER GIRLS” trademark, with a registration dating back to June 18, 2013. On the other side, we have the disputed domain name, <thecareergirl.org>, registered in 2016. It leads to a website operated on a non-profit basis in the United Kingdom, focusing on inspiring women to explore STEM careers and other professional paths. The website’s mission is clear: to empower young women with insights into various career options.

Key Facts:

  • The Complainant has been actively using the CAREER GIRLS mark since 2010, primarily through their website at <careergirls.org>, offering guidance and resources for women interested in U.S. careers.
  • The Complainant alleges that the Respondent registered and uses <thecareergirl.org> in bad faith, attempting to redirect users from the Complainant’s website to their own, which provides similar services.
  • The Complainant asserts that the Respondent knew about their rights in the CAREER GIRLS mark when registering <thecareergirl.org>.

Surprisingly, the Respondent did not submit a response during this proceeding.

Panel’s Decision:

The decision reached by Mr. Nicholas J.T. Smith on this matter is quite intriguing. The Panel found that there were unresolved factual and legal issues in this case, making it unsuitable for resolution under the Policy. The domain name in question, <thecareergirl.org>, consists of three generic words that describe a woman with a career.

While the Complainant does have a registered trademark for CAREER GIRLS in the U.S., the Respondent operates a legitimate non-profit website under the name “The Career Girl” in a different jurisdiction. The Panel did not find any evidence to suggest that the Respondent’s use of the domain name was anything other than for bona fide services.

The Complainant’s reputation primarily exists within the United States, and the Panel could not conclude that the CAREER GIRLS mark was so universally known that the Respondent must have registered the domain name out of awareness of the Complainant. Instead, it seemed that the Respondent’s motivation was related to the inherent meaning of the words in the domain name.


In a surprising twist, this case was not resolved in favor of the Complainant. The Panel found that the Respondent had rights and legitimate interests in the domain name <thecareergirl.org>. This unique case reminds us that even non-profit organizations can find themselves in disputes over domain names and trademarks. When the waters are murky, it’s essential to turn to the appropriate legal avenues for resolution, rather than relying solely on domain dispute policies.

Read the full case here: https://www.adrforum.com/domaindecisions/2058321.htm


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