Domain name of Cigar company expires, available at auction

Cigars, International is a Cigar company based in the US. The company was established in 1996 and is among the fastest growing cigar retailers, however a peculiar thing was noticed. A domain name belonging to the company was up for auction

The domain name we are talking about is The domain name was registered in 1995, 1 year before the Company was established. However the domain name expired in April 2022 and is up for auction. 

The term Humidor literally means a humidity controlled box. Boxes like these are used for keeping Cigars or other tobacco related products to protect them from getting moisturised. 

Cigars, International is an online shop for Cigars. Their complete business is based online. Hence, it wasn’t a surprise to know that the company had registered over 200 domain names related to Cigars. is also one of them. Maybe the company let go of the domain name intentionally. The economics of the company might have prompted them to let go of their digital assets. 

However it might also be the case that the domain name was lapsed. Whatever may be the case, the domain name was up for grabs. Or it was until 5/17/2022.

A recent check at the GoDaddy auction platform says that the auction has been cancelled. But why was the auction cancelled? 

It does seem plausible here to guess that Cigars, International might have a role here. Some legal issues might have come up that led to the cancellation of the auction. This is our informed guess on the issue.


  1. David Blake Avatar
    David Blake

    Almost all companies who register domains also auction expired domains to the general public. They usually appear sometime between the original owner’s expiration date and the registry release date post the “pend delete” status.
    In this case if the company has unintentionally loose the domain then it might be a huge loss for the company in terms of online traffic and revenue from premium customers.

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