launches World’s first AI generated Domain Name Appraisal platform

Are you constantly at odds with the valuation of your domain name? Whether selling at this price would be profitable or not? Of course there are many platforms that assess the market value of domain names based on various parameters. But if you have actually used one of those, you understand the limitations of those. On top of that, these platforms charge hefty subscription charges for availing the same.

Well, there is a solution for you. has launched a platform that appraises the value of your domain name. But, this isn’t just another domain appraisal platform. Unlike the others,’s platform uses Artificial Intelligence to estimate the value. It uses different parameters such as number of characters, queries, costs per click to advertise and whether there are special characters such as ‘-‘ or numbers in it. On top of it, this platform is absolutely free. You can check the platform here.

Other platforms also use similar criteria. However, the formula used by them is built by Humans and hence won’t always give you the right price. has several other cool features on it. Some of these are Lyrics Generator, AI Paintings, TV Episode Generator, Quote Generator and AI dreams.

Check out this brilliant platform for all these cool features, here.


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