Domain Names have an ever increasing penetration in the economy of every country. In the current age, it is an unsaid rule that every established firm must have a digital presence. However, the Zimbabweans have made this unsaid rule into an actual Government Act!
Yes, you heard it right. As reported by The Zimbabwe Independent, every company in Zimbabwe must have a domain name, a website and an email Id. These provisions find their mention in the Companies and Other Business Entities Act.
The domain name must be in the format of CompanyName.co.zw. The company should also include e-mail addresses such as [email protected] for normal queries and [email protected], [email protected], etc. for Directors.
Zimbabwe has a very high online presence of 96%. With this Act, the Zimbabwe government is eyeing for the perfect score of 100%. This brilliant step should be learnt by and reciprocated by every country, to increase the reach and efficiency of their local businesses.
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