Tag: China

  • More than 1.05 billion internet users in China

    More than 1.05 billion internet users in China

    China Internet Network Information Center has presented a report on China’s Internet Development. The report presents an ever increasing sphere of internet inclusion in China. The number of people using the internet in China rose by 19.19 million from the previous year to reach a figure of 1.05 billion! In terms of percentage, 74.4% of…

  • Is Apple switching from China to India?

    Is Apple switching from China to India?

    China is the production capital of the world. China’s economic missile is based on this fuel. The country has been criticised for its working conditions, but it still continues to be the destination for all MNCs.  However, a recent announcement by Apple might change things for China. Apple has announced that it has communicated with…

  • Top Chinese companies register new Chinese domain names

    Top Chinese companies register new Chinese domain names

    The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) is the agency that administers the Chinese ccTLD .cn and .中国. The organization has announced that as many as 10 Companies among the top 500 companies have booked the domestic domain names. The list of bigshots that have done the registration includes the likes of Vivo, Xiaomi, Tencent…

  • Which language should be used for arbitration when both the parties appeal in different languages

    Which language should be used for arbitration when both the parties appeal in different languages

    Arbitrations are intense because each side tries to present their version as the righteous one. In order to do so they present their arguments backed by facts and reasoning. However, what happens when both apply for dispute resolution in different languages, what should the decision making body converse in. Klarna Bank AB. has been in…

  • Rational behind domain name change of this Chinese public platform

    Rational behind domain name change of this Chinese public platform

    China’s growth among the biggest powerhouses of the world has been very rapid. The overwhelmingly high growth, through a sustained period of time, also brought one unfavorable thing: pollution.  Recently, the Chinese government changed the domain name of a public platform meant to ease pollution levels. The domain name that was changed was bjhjyd.gov.cn. This…

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