Pornhub is a known name, if not the biggest one, in the adult entertainment industry. The popular platform however faced troubles over the use of a very similar domain name. Pornhub thus filed a UDRP Complaint.
Forum was arbitrating for the case. The domain name in question here was The Complainant, i.e, Pornhub, has claimed trademark rights over PORNHUB mark since September 2012. The Complainant operates at the domain name The Complaint claimed that the domain name in question was similar to his trademark and domain names. The Respondent, according to the Complainant was trying to take advantage of the Complaint’s brand.
The Respondent had registered the domain name in October 2016. The Response claims to use the domain name in establishing a hub for adult games. In such a situation, the services provided by the Respondent are bonafide and hence satisfy the legitimate use of the domain.
The panel had a mixed decision. One of the panelists sided with the Complainant. However the majority view was with the Respondent. The panel claimed that the terms in the domain name were generic and the use of the domain name by the Respondent does not prove bad faith.
The Complaint was denied.
Read about the case in detail here.
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