Telegram CEO has announced that Telegram’s Usernames, Groups and Channel links would be sold as Non-fungible Token like Smart contracts. The announcement was made from the CEO’s Telegram channel.
Telegram has different unique names that can be used as Usernames, Channel links. They can be suffixed to and be used, such as He Your_Name is a unique attribute and some of them are premium names.
Considering the popularity of this communication platform, having a lucrative name can give your business, group or cause a major boost. Understanding the business value of these names, Telegram has decided to make them available for auctions. All of these processes would take place under the blockchain environment, with ownership being secured through Smart Contacts used in NFTs.
These are just like domain names on the internet. However, considering the vast amount of users apps like Telegram have, they get to make their own sub internet. A sub internet where they can sell usernames on their platforms.
A major push to this has been the success of Telegram Open Network (TON). The network recently made sale of 2000 .ton domain names at over $2.5 million valuation. One of the domains Wallet.ton grabbed the highest price of $260,000.
The control of the network is with the Open Network community. However, Telegram still sees the success of domain names as an approval to its brand value in the name industry. The offering of usernames depicts that confidence.
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