Category: Disputes
Panel receives portmanteau domain name for arbitration
A Portmanteau word is a word that is formed by combining two or more words together. Like Smog (Smoke+Fog), Hinglish (Hindi + English) or popular acronyms for famous couples. These words are more important when it comes to branding. You can even take two generic words and combine them to form a secondary meaning. The…
Tax company fails to secure 3-lettered domain name
Domain Names are like acronyms. The shorter, the better. A short domain name could have multiple scope usages. This is the reason why short domains have such prices. It is thus, quite likely that such domain names would be upon contention. The domain name was under contention in the Forum. The Complainant was Property…
Even three Trademark were not enough for this domain name
In order to secure their brand people fence their names and related services with different layers of trademarks. This is done to minimize the chances of someone trespassing one’s trademarks through legal loopholes. However, sometimes even that is not enough. Sometimes even owning multiple trademarks could not secure your Brand or Domain Name. Cloudfm Group…
Thousands spent on branding, domain name unavailable
Branding is a vital part of your business. After successful distribution of your product and service in a limited region, you need brand value to expand. This branding depends on several other factors than the service and the product you are providing. Registering domain names related to your brand is one of those factors.…
Advantages/ Disadvantages of an eloquently descriptive trade name
Descriptive trade names are names that are not exclusive in nature. For example, a name representing an Industry in general ,say ‘Oil Industries’, is descriptive. But, on the other hand a name like ‘ABCD Oil’ is non-descriptive as they are exclusive in nature. ‘Oil Industries’ could be applied and used by any Oil Company, however…
Khadi India reaches WIPO for another domain name
Earlier, we had reported about the case of Khadi and Village Industries Commission, India (KVIC) had reached WIPO for arbitration over this domain name. Today we came across another interesting case where KVIC sought relief from WIPO over a domain name. The domain name in question here was The Respondent had registered the…
Covid forces parties to contest over HEMPIRE domain name
Covid was a huge wave, whose rupples are felt till now. Domain Names gained primary focus here. Several companies that operated only via Brick and Mortar Shops had to register and operate a domain name. This led to congestion and contentions over the usage of some names. In today’s case study it HEMPIRE. The domain…
Historical legal rivals extend their fight to domain names
Disputes are bound to arise in a diverse society. Even a friendship between two individuals is not free from differences. It is likely that the same would exist, when society of a number of such individuals is taken into consideration. However, sometimes disputes have different motivations, most usually in cases of family feuds. The disputes…
When all three panelist went their own directions
UDRP decisions are generally unanimous. Differences between the opinions of panelists is a rarity. However, in today’s Case, the panel wasn’t divided into two, but three. Each panelist had a different view when it came to the domain name: M31.Capital. The Complainant is M31 Management Limited, China. The Complainant provides services in the financial and…
Scope of common law rights in domain name disputes
You can acquire rights over a term through two ways. One is through registering the mark in a Government authority. This is what is known as Trademark Rights. Second is the one that is obtained through continuous usage of a term in their business ventures. Such rights are called Common Law rights. Let’s look at…