Category: Disputes
Swedish company’s claim to met with RDNH
A Swedish company called SkyCell AG had reached WIPO regarding the use of the domain name The Complaint was lodged against a Respondent who was an old domain name investor. The Complainant claimed that it had acquired a number of different trademarks over the SKYCELL. The Complainant possesses marks in Switzerland, Brazil and even…
What is Sea Urchin called in Japanese?
What’s in a name? A lot. No kidding, it is exactly true. And when it comes to domain names, well there are lots of possibilities in a name. Words can have different meanings in different languages. This multiplicity of meaning provides a window for the generation of different permutations of the name as well as…
- given to auctioneer instead of trademark holder
I have seen this pattern among several UDRP cases where the Respondent is supported even when domain name is registered after the registration of trademark. This happens usually when the Respondent acquired the domain name via an auction. The domain name was up for contention at WIPO. The Complainant was Givn Goods Inc. The…
TranScrip’s plan B ends in a UDRP
UDRP proceedings related to domain names have a special provision for the cases when someone approaches the panel just because they couldn’t agree at the price of the domain name. This is referred to as ‘using the Complaint as the Plan B’. In such cases, a UDRP is awarded by the panel. TranScrip Partners LLP…
Someone registered a domain offering Pre IPO shares of Klarna
Everyday on the internet is a new day of bewilderment. Each day I come across something that seems too strange to exist, only to be topped by something else the next day. Klarna Bank is a popular Swedish FinTech company. The company was troubled by a very unique case of domain name and trademark infringement.…
Party contests that ‘Lego’ is a generic mark
In order to combat trademark disputes, it is a common tactic to dispute opponents rights over the generic nature of a mark. In simple words, the party claims that the word is too common to be specially reserved for some entity. However, such claims become laughable when someone contests it for a brand like Lego! …
- A domain name with a history
Social media, Instant delivery, Online bankings and payments, etc. have altered our perception of the internet, the world and even life in a certain way. We want things to happen quickly. An event needs to conclude shortly, elongation of which causes discomfort among everyone. With such constrained time duration provided, we tend to forget the…
Trademark owner denied custody of
Domain disputes are objective in nature. On the surface the procedure of dispute resolution might look simple and clear, but the decisions shift on a case to case basis. Every case needs to be looked at through the lens of individuality and merits. The Forum arbitrated a confusing case regarding the domain name The…
Court smashes dreams of
Gambling has seen an unseen expansion and acceptance in the last two decades, especially Online Gambling. Many countries are loosening their laws and allowing online gambling platforms mostly centered around popular sports events to be organized and also to thrive. One of the major proponents of this sector in India is Dream 11. The company…
PrimeWire shifts between domain names, banned still
The Judiciary’s hammer is hitting hard on Piracy domain names. Netflix along with other popular studio houses are one by one taking down major piracy platforms. Joining the list of schooled domain names is PrimeWire. PrimeWire is one of the popular piracy streaming websites online. The platform came under judicial radar when Netflix and other…