Category: Disputes
Spanish Company’s claim for ends in UDRP
Today we are going to discuss a case regarding the domain name The domain name was contested by a Spanish company named Kosmos Global Holding. The company dealt with ports, media, and entertainment. However, the recent registration of the mentioned domain name prompted the entity to file a Complaint.
Indian Court grants interim order against
The Indian judicial system has become more and more proactive with respect to tackling trade disputes, specially domain name disputes. We see an increasing number of engaging disputes surrounding business names and trademarks. Recently, the Indian Court witnessed a very interesting case, where two parties were in contest for the ‘Kesari TV’ name. The Plaintiff…
Russian restaurateur loses domain name before opening in Kansas
Macro incidents have several lasting micro impacts, however what is the extent of such connection. Should every micro event be viewed through a bigger macro lens, or does it have its own separate understanding? The answer must be looking at the incident through various different perspectives. A smart amalgamation of these perspectives might render us…
How this Fitness company won a premium 3 lettered domain name?
We at Domain Magazine go through numerous different dispute cases to pick up unique examples. Most domain arbitrations procedures follow the regular pattern. It is often observed that the domain name investor’s and domain name investing is given due weightage in UDRP cases. However, we came across this unique case where the trademark holder was…
Does having a unique name give rights over a corresponding domain name?
What happens when someone registers a domain name that is based on your name? The UDRP rules are not clear about what to do in such cases. However, one condition is perhaps looked upon and that is whether there is an operating business over that name.
The mumbo jumbo around
When there is an absence of Trademark Rights, Common Law rights can often define the ownership of the name, However, what happens when the term in contention is a Geographical entity. Let’s dove deeper into this issue with our current Domain Name case study.
Complaint for given the Red Signal
Dispute Cases are comparatively easy when the two parties are adversaries. It gets complicated when the two parties aren’t rivals but former partners. Disputes get much more complex in this situation as it becomes difficult to draw a line over what belongs to whom?
Complainant approaches panel for a domain name registered before its existence
Domain names have an inherent value associated with them. When this value generates interest for more than one party, domain disputes often occur. However, sometimes the disputes aren’t based on any solid argument. This results in cases where companies filed for UDRP over domain names that were registered even before their inception. As we would…
When the Respondent responded, the Complainant tried to withdraw
Domain Name disputes cases have a unique way of demonstrating the little details of the Corporate sector and the way it functions. When two entities fight for a name that can make and break their businesses, it is noteworthy to see how a party reacts when the pressure is on.
Number of Domain Name Disputes continue to rise in 2022
In the last quarter of 2022, the redressal platforms gave their decisions in 1,962 cases. This was a jump of 11.9%, as compared to the same quarter in previous year.